Online Application @ Dept. Exam

Online Application

1. Create an User Name with Password from 'Register' Option

2. Login with User Name and Password

3. click on 'Details Entry / Update and submission' option

4. Enter or update your detals from 'Edit' option

5. In 'Review' mode, you can update / change your data but for summission you have to go with 'submit' mode.

* No application will consider under 'Review' mode.

You must submit your all details before last date of submission.

6. After submission you can see your details from 'View' Option

7. You can take print from here.

8. Your application process is done here. now wait for 'Identity Certificate'

Note :

1. The Identity Certificate can be downloaded on & from the dates mentioned in the Notification.

2. The Identity Certificate is to be filled up & countersigned & must be brought at the Examination Center.

3. No book will be supplied for Open Book Examination during Departmental Examination. Examinees will not be allowed to share Books in the Examination Hall. In the event of any sharing is noticed in the hall, the concerned candidates will be disqualified for the examination.